Melkbussen buiten

Milk Can

A milk can was used to transport fresh milk from the farm to the dairy factory.

Milk cans were essential in dairy farming before the advent of milk cooling tanks and milk tankers. After milking, the milk was poured into the can and taken to the dairy factory, where it was weighed and processed. Each farmer had their own can number to track the origin of the milk. For example, Arie Jongeneel received can number 34 when he became an independent farmer in 1970. We have received three milk cans from De Graafstroom, donated by Arie Jongeneel, with the years 1970, 1973, and 1974.

Personal anecdote
Arie Jongeneel recalls how the milk payment statements arrived by mail every fourteen days and the money was transferred to his Rabobank account. He also remembers how the milk money used to be delivered in cash to the farm, and the delivery person often received a tip.

This article is donated by:

Arie Jongeneel